Baker & Taylor has been a long-time vendor discount partner with
NEO-RLS. Many libraries take advantage of this discount through their NEO-RLS membership. Baker & Taylor provides discounts ranging between 5% - 45.5% through this program. This negotiated discounting allows libraries of all sizes to benefit. If a library spends $40,000 with Baker & Taylor, they could realize savings of around $16,000. One library was able to pay for their NEO-RLS dues with the savings from discounts. They then used this reasoning with Board members that questioned the value of their NEO-RLS membership. If you need help getting your discount set-up or have any questions, email
deb.blair@neo-rls.org. The discount on Baker & Taylor’s page was recently updated due to changes. Please see the page if you have not made note of the changes or received an email.
I know the vendor discount program has been important to many of our libraries. A great idea to come out of collaborating with our Marketing and PR Advisory Group is to create special editions of the Newsletter. One of these special editions will feature our vendor discount program. In the meantime, visit our
vendor discount page to see more offers you might be missing out on! As always, your feedback is welcome. If you would like to see a vendor in our discount program, just email
Debbie with your ideas.
Debbie Blair