During the past two years we have worked diligently to make our webinars and online workshops as interactive and engaging as possible and have asked our presenters to keep this in mind as they create their programs. As a result, you may have noticed an increased use of breakout rooms. While we thought this was a great idea and easy to implement, we have noticed that many participants aren’t as enthusiastic about breakout rooms as we are and that the implementation of them during a webinar isn’t always easy for everyone to navigate. In addition, we have noted that some participants look at the use of breakouts as a reason to leave the webinar, thus missing out on content. As an introvert who cringes at the thought of being put in a breakout room to role play with others, I totally get it! So, what are we going to do about it? We are going to start by including information in the registration information as to whether or not breakout rooms will be used. Additionally, we will try to note whether or not the breakouts will be for brainstorming, role playing, roundtable discussion, etc. We won’t always know this ahead of time but will do our best to note the intent when we can. We will also mention if there will be other interactions such as the use of Padlet, etc. Most importantly however, we just want you to know that it’s okay not to enter the breakout rooms and that it doesn’t mean you need to leave the program. We always announce how long the breakouts will last, so take that moment to get some coffee, return an email or take a comfort break and then return to the webinar. If you are into breakout rooms, we hope you enjoy. Our goal is to help everyone feel comfortable and get the most out of our programs in the way that suits them best.
Together we are maximizing library potential. Have a great week!