NEO-RLS News-September 21, 2022 | ||||||
It’s almost October and that means we will be sending out our 2023-2024 (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024) Letters of Intent. You should receive them via email between October 3rd and 7th. Our fiscal year runs from July-June and as a result, we begin planning our budget in January. We ask for your assistance with this by returning your Letter of Intent prior to December 31, 2022. Your membership is important to us and to the libraries in our region. Without you, we are unable to provide a robust schedule of continuing education opportunities and other services. With you, we are maximizing library potential! Thank you! |
As NEO-RLS transitions to a remote work environment, we will be selling furniture from our Hudson office. CLICK HERE to view available items. If your library is interested in purchasing any of the items listed, please contact Ragan Snead at 330-655-0531 ext. 101 or |
The IRS is requesting your help in sharing important outreach materials that can help homeless youth and former foster youth understand their tax benefits, rights and responsibilities. Each year, an estimated 4.2 million youth and young adults experience homelessness. Children in foster care face multiple factors that increase their risk of homelessness, including the number of foster care placements, history of running away from placements and time spent in a group home. |
Building on the impactful conversations from our previous “Be the Change” presentations, Library Leadership Ohio invites you to join us on Thursday, October 13 at 2 p.m. EDT for the final live panel event in the series. In June, attendees heard from Daniel Pink in “Beyond Resilience” and in August, they engaged in a hard-hitting and stirring conversation about Privacy, Advocacy and Intellectual Freedom John Chrastka and Alison Macrina. Click here to register for October 13 event. |
The State Library is hosting Part 2 of the Introduction to the Ohio Collection Analysis Initiative webinar series on September 27 at 3:30 p.m. (ET). This webinar will provide participants the opportunity to analyze their own collection data and receive live support. Join your colleagues participating in the Ohio Collection Analysis Initiative to explore resources, attend webinars and open office hours, and use tools to consider collections that empower children and young adult readers by respecting and appreciating what makes them different and the same. |