The annual NEO-RLS Membership and Appreciation Meeting gives us an opportunity each year to let you know what we have been up to, information about our financial situation and the opportunity to recognize our Award recipients and all of the volunteers who make NEO-RLS happen. It is also an opportunity to let you know what we are planning for the future. I’d like to mention a few of the ideas that we will be working on in the coming months for those of you that were unable to attend. We are working on a refresh of our popular New Supervisors’ Academy, adding new topics of current interest and updating some of the basics. We are putting together Archived Webinar bundles on specific topics in order to make training more accessible. The first bundles will include selected webinars on Library Foundations, Management, Youth Services, Self-Care and Communication, with a expected roll out in January or February. We will be distributing our second Statewide Salary Survey in early April 2022. We are in the process of creating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resource webpages which will include DEI resources organized into four categories – Leadership, Hiring, Organizational Culture and Collections. Each category will feature resources for Defining DEI, Assessing DEI Needs, Planning DEI Initiatives and DEI Action. We are also going to begin crafting program ideas and curriculum to be used with our circulating emerging technology kits in order to help you maximize these resources. This is just the beginning of what we hope to achieve in the coming year in order to help you achieve your goals.
Together we are maximizing library potential. Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends!
Betsy Lantz