NEO-RLS News-August 2, 2021

Special Collections

A Note from the Executive Director

It is with mixed feelings that I announce that Holly Klingler, NEO-RLS Continuing Education Coordinator, has accepted a new position working for a contractor at NASA as an Instructional Designer.  We are very happy for Holly and feel this is an excellent opportunity in which she will be able to utilize her many talents.  During her eight year tenure at NEO-RLS, Holly has almost singlehandedly shaped the emerging technologies programming and services which benefit our region.  She is an exceptional presenter, a creative thinker and a wonderful colleague.  Holly’s emerging technologies expertise has been requested by organizations outside our region, our state, and outside the library world.  She has truly helped our libraries maximize their potential.  Holly’s last day will be August 27th.  Please take a minute to drop her an email and join us in congratulating her on her new opportunity!

As a result of Holly’s departure, NEO-RLS will be conducting a job search for her replacement as Continuing Education Coordinator.  We encourage you to apply if you are interested in a position that helps to shape services and programming for the region, have an interest in emerging technologies, are creative, and like variety, autonomy and endless opportunities to learn.  In addition, the position offers the possibility of participation in the facilitation of workshops and webinars, participation in strategic planning, website design, marketing, and getting to meet library employees region-wide.  The job posting for the position of Continuing Education Coordinator will be up this week.  Please consider applying.  Feel free to contact Holly Klingler if you have questions about the position.  Together we are maximizing library potential.  Have a wonderful week!

Betsy Lantz

CE to Print and Share

Don't forget about CE @ a Glance.  A simple one-page flyer to share with your staff.

NEO-RLS Announcements

Volunteers Needed!
Would you like to get involved in NEO-RLS?  We are seeking volunteers for our Board Committees and invite you to join us if you are interested in sharing your ideas for the regional, want to learn more about what the Board and Board Committees do or are looking for a leadership opportunity.  We welcome volunteers from all of our libraries and from library staff at all levels, no experience necessary.  See the website for more information on the Committees, meeting dates and the work for the 2021-2022 year.  Please contact Betsy Lantz if you are interested.  Thanks!
Statewide Salary Survey Update
We are currently in the process of reviewing CODA, the online reporting feature supported by PeriscopeIQ.  We hope to provide access within the next week to the libraries who have purchased the salary survey results.  We appreciate your patience as we continue to work through our review and are happy to answer any questions.  If you have not yet purchased the salary survey and would like to do so, please see our website for further information.

Don't Forget the Networking Meetings

Where is the Jobline?

Check out the job postings at the new Jobline location on the website under Services.

From INFOhio

INFOhio, Ohio's PreK-12 Digital Library, would like to invite you to join the INFOhio Integration Partner (IPartner) program for education-based agencies. The IPartner program strengthens and increases your agency’s toolkit with INFOhio’s quality digital content and web tools available at no cost to Ohio students, teachers, and families.  

The INFOhio IPartner program has over 140 partners from public and academic libraries, educational service centers, information technology centers, ed techs, and PBS stations. We hope you will consider joining this network of education professionals passionate about INFOhio.  

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Accomodations and Boundaries

From the State Library

Grant Opportunity
The State Library of Ohio launched the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Outreach Grant initiative on June 1 and the deadline to submit proposals is rapidly approaching. Utilizing Federal ARPA funds received from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the State Library of Ohio encourages Ohio libraries of all types to apply for this competitive grant program which revolves around the concept of Outreach as well as response to and prevention of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
New Webinar
New live session in The Librarian’s Guide to Homelessness 
To access the training, go to the State Library of Ohio’s Training and Professional Development page and click the homelessness training link.  Once in Niche Academy, you will be prompted to create an account. Certificates will be issued within Niche Academy after the completion of the core training or webinar.
Title: HELP!: The correct way for staff to provide backup in crisis
When: Thursday, August 12 at 2:00 PM Eastern Time
  Just a reminder that the 2021 Ohio Summer Library Program Evaluation survey is open: Click HERE.
Each year, the State Library asks all Ohio public libraries to report on their SLP. Your participation helps the State Library, Regional Library Systems, other partners, and the Collaborative Summer Library Program to provide helpful resources and support for future SLPs. The survey also provides needed information to communicate the value and impact of summer programs and activities provided by Ohio public libraries.

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From Other Sources

Mindy McGinnis will be on Barberton Public Library's Facebook Live
Thursday, August 5 at 4:00 p.m.

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