Although we haven’t quite gotten to Memorial Day yet, I want to fill you in on what will be happening for the
2021 Virtual Emerging Technology Symposium in September. This will be our 8
th annual Symposium and like last year, we will be hosting featured speakers and poster sessions virtually throughout the entire month. New this year is the fact that the event is being sponsored by the four regional library systems in Ohio (NEO-RLS, NORWELD, SERLS and SWON) and the State Library of Ohio. We are all working together to bring you innovative ideas from each of the regions and from states across the country. Our theme is
Explore | Adapt | Transform and will be kicked off with
Innovation in Libraries presented by Dr. Roslyn Dean, Broward County (FL) Library, on September 8
th. Dr. Dean will address what is next for library innovation and discuss Broward County Library’s recently implemented and innovative initiatives designed to expand access to the library in unique ways and reach customers beyond the walls of the library. Our next featured speaker on September 15
th is Rebecca Millerjohn, Madison Public Library (WI), who will talk about
Insights into Innovation (and why this "innovator" really just wants a warm brownie and a nap). Addressing all of the reluctant innovators out there, she will provide tips on pushing through the trepidation of new ideas in order to successfully co-build opportunities with your communities to enhance learning. On September 17
th we welcome Julia Maddox, founder of the iZone at the University of Rochester Libraries (NY), leading
Prototype Your Professional Life. She will show us how to use Stanford’s Design Thinking process to prototype out-of-the-box solutions for addressing challenges in our library and profession and help us continue the spirit of experimentation, agility and risk-taking. Our month-long dive into exploration, adaptation and transformation using emerging technologies will end on September 30
th with Michael Hibben, Roanoke County Public Library (VA), and his presentation,
Why Not Us? The Case for AI in Libraries. In his session, Michael will explain why libraries must lead the way with AI literacy and will talk about his library’s award-winning work with AI and high tech. In addition to the above, we will also feature
poster sessions from around the state and country. The Symposium is FREE and open to all. You don’t need to be in emerging technology in order to benefit from the lessons shared and the tips for exploring, adapting and transforming your services and communities.
Register today!
Together we are maximizing library potential. Have a wonderful week!
Betsy Lantz