Happy New Year! Recently we have had a variety of questions regarding the availability of the emerging technology kits. The kits are available! Holly Klingler will be reaching out to you if you had previously reserved a kit to make certain that you still want to receive it. In addition, she has been contacted about doing programming with the emerging technology kits in the coming months. We are not doing any in-person programs until July 1
st or later, dependent upon the availability of vaccines and the number of COVID cases. However, Holly has prepared a virtual alternative which includes delivery of the kit of your choice to your library, a video demonstration of the various technology, and a live Zoom Q & A with her. In addition, we have had a request for an Insta-Go camera (a first person camera). It is on order and will soon be available for individual loan. Don’t forget that other pieces of individual emerging technology may also be borrowed. We hope you will take advantage of our emerging technology kits and welcome any ideas or suggestions for their use. Lastly, we are still looking for input on the types of emerging technology needs and trends that you see for the future. Please take a couple of minutes to complete our
survey. Your input will help us leverage our funds to benefit you and your communities. Thanks and have a safe and healthy week!
Betsy Lantz