Northeast Ohio Regional Library System

Louisville Library Won!

I’m excited to share with all of you that the Louisville Library won our category in the Stark Community Foundation’s “Six for Sixty” challenge.  More than 80,000 votes poured in to the Foundation over the course of the month-long competition.  The Library won the education category.
The Foundation marked the “top three” throughout the competition.  Thanks to your votes, we never fell out of that position.  However,  you never know - two other organizations were also in the “top three.”  After the contest ended, we did not know when the results would be released.  So, I was at lunch on Friday and all of the sudden my phone started ringing off the hook.  The Foundation announced the winner to everyone that had voted and we won!
To the winners go a $10,000 endowment fund to be held at the Stark Community Foundation.  The Library will be able to continue to grow the fund with the Foundation to be used for future projects and funding.  Thank you all for your votes and your support!