Northeast Ohio Regional Library System

NEO-RLS Archived Webinars Questions and Answers

Want to view an archived webinar and not sure where to begin?  Here are the answers to our most frequently asked questions.

Do I need to register to view the archived webinars?
Yes.  You will need to register to view the archived webinars.  Registration ensures that we have needed statistical information and that your CE transcript accurately reflects your continuing education.
Do I need to have an account to access the archived webinars?
Yes, you will need to login to access the archived webinars.  If you do not have an account already you will need to create one.  Each person must have their own account in order for us to maintain statistical information and provide you with an accurate transcript of your continuing education.  If you have a problem creating your account, please email us.
Can I create one account for all of my library staff?
No, each staff member needs their own account.  Each person must have their own account in order for us to maintain statistical information and to provide an accurate transcript of continuing education for each individual.
Where do I find the link for the archived webinar I want to view?
After you register you will be sent an email.  The link will appear at the top of the email.  If you do not receive an email with the link, please check your spam and/or clutter.  If not found, please contact us.
Why can’t I hear anything when I start the archived webinar?
There is a slight delay when viewing the archived webinars.  It may take one to three minutes for the audio to begin.  Please let us know if you encounter any other issues.  We are happy to assist you.
 Why can’t I access the archived webinar on my iPad or other mobile device?
We were made aware this week that the Adobe Connect platform is not meant for accessing archived webinars via mobile devices.  If you need to access a webinar on your mobile device, please contact Holly Klingler and she will send you the appropriate link.

For archived webinars that have already been converted, the email you receive after registering will include a link for desktop access and a link for mobile access.
Does NEO-RLS have suggestions for archived webinars?
The archived webinars offer a rich variety of topics and speakers for your continuing education.  The Westlake Porter Public Library’s staff development training plan outlines archived webinars that have been made mandatory as well as optional webinars at a variety of knowledge levels for all levels of employees including administration and Trustees.  The plan is a good starting point for ideas.