Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for the Northeast Ohio Regional Library System

Conduct Statement
The Northeast Ohio Regional Library System (NEO-RLS) is dedicated to providing inclusive, equitable, and respectful virtual and physical environments. We welcome all participants regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, status as a veteran, or other federal, state, or local protected class. NEO-RLS appreciates the diversity of its members and recognizes the strength that their identities and experiences bring to our organization. We ask everyone to abide by the following standards of interaction to help us provide an inclusive environment and to uphold our mission, vision, and values.

Standards of Interaction:
1. Treat everyone equally and fairly, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, status as a veteran, or other federal, state, or local protected class. Acknowledge and recognize the value of each individual.
2. Foster an environment where everyone is included and encouraged to participate. Make everyone feel that they matter and belong. Appreciate and acknowledge the meaningful work contributed by others.
3. Practice compassion and consider others' perspectives. Be mindful of how your actions and words can affect others. Remember that we are all continuously learning and growing.
4. Embrace humility and seek help when needed. Support others in their times of need and admit mistakes without defensiveness. Be open to feedback and willing to learn from others.
5. Hold yourself accountable for your behaviors and views. Be willing to explain your actions and listen to others' perceptions. Hold others accountable for their behaviors and views as well. Challenge assumptions, biases, and inferences. Ask questions to understand others' perspectives and points of view.
6. Communicate professionally and respectfully. Share feedback and respond calmly and thoughtfully with compassion. Consider your tone, body language, and the impact of your words.
    6a. Be willing to engage in discussions on difficult issues. Find appropriate times and places to address conflicts. Explain the impact of words and behaviors and work towards resolution through negotiation.
    6b. Respect others' need for breaks or stepping back from conversations if they are overwhelmed. Allow individuals the space to process conversations and situations.
7. Use welcoming language, for instance by using an individual’s stated pronouns and favoring gender-neutral collective nouns. Create a safe and welcoming environment, both physically and psychologically. Respect others' time and maintain confidentiality when necessary.
8. Practice active listening with an open mind, free from judgment. Respect different communication styles. Avoid interrupting or monopolizing discussions, listening as much as you speak.
9. Avoid the use of sexual language and imagery, including in talks, workshops, social events, and online platforms.

Harassment can include unwelcome or offensive verbal or written comments or nonverbal expressions, used in person or online, in private or in public.

Examples of harassment can include:
• use of sexual and/or discriminatory images in public spaces (including online);
• deliberate intimidation;
• stalking;
• following;
• trolling;
• harassing photography or recording;
• sustained disruption of talks or other events;
• bullying behavior;
• inappropriate physical contact; and
• unwelcome sexual attention.

Sexual, discriminatory, or potentially triggering language and imagery are inappropriate for any NEO-RLS event or venue. However, this policy is not intended to constrain responsible scholarly or professional discourse and debate. We welcome engagement with difficult topics when done with respect and care.

If at any point during NEO-RLS events or activities, you feel uncomfortable, harassed, or witness any violations of these policies, please submit a Code of Conduct Concern, or reach out to NEO-RLS staff.

In case of immediate emergencies, please reach out to the appropriate authorities.

This Code of Conduct was approved by the Board of Trustees of the Northeast Ohio Regional Library System on June 20, 2023.

Sources of inspiration:
Academic Library Association of Ohio. (2020, November 20). ALAO (Academic Library Association of Ohio) Code of Conduct.

Digital Library Federation. (2022, September 26). DLF (Digital Library Federation) Code of Conduct.