2024 NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey FAQ

The 2024 Statewide Salary Survey Results are available now! Email ragan.snead@neo-rls.org or christine.vinion@neo-rls.org to purchase the results. Pricing information can be found below.

All libraries in Ohio are invited to participate in this comprehensive wage and benefit survey by submitting their data.  The Survey will be distributed to libraries in Ohio on March 5, 2024.  Completion date is April 30, 2024 and results will be available on June 3, 2024. 

Maximum participation from all of our libraries will create a robust and meaningful tool.  We think you will be surprised by the granularity of the results and the customization of information.  We encourage your participation and welcome any questions.  Please contact Ragan Snead, Executive Director, at ragan.snead@neo-rls.org or 440-384-0522 or Christine Vinion, Fiscal Officer, at christine.vinion@neo-rls.org or 440-384-0592 if you need more information.

Thank you in advance for your time and participation in this important compensation survey!

Why is NEO-RLS conducting a Statewide Salary Survey?
The libraries in Northeast Ohio have requested that NEO-RLS resume the Salary Survey that was previously done on a regular basis by NOLA/NEO-RLS through 2011.
How will this survey be different from the State Library of Ohio Survey?
This survey will be far more granular in terms of information requested and reported out.  It will also provide an online analytics reporting tool known as CODA to allow for highly customized reports as requested by individual libraries.
How will data be collected for each position, by average or by incumbent?
Data will be collected by incumbent.
Will there be questions about benefits included in the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey?
Yes, there will be approximately 37 benefit questions.
Who can participate in the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey?
All public, academic, special and school libraries are welcome to participate in the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey by submitting their salary and benefits data.
Do you have to be a member of NEO-RLS to participate in the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey?
No.  You do not have to be a member of NEO-RLS in order to participate in the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey.
Do you have to be a member of another regional (SWON, NORWELD, SERLS) in order to participate in the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey?
No.  You do not have to be a member of another regional in order to participate in the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey.
Is there a cost to participate in the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey?
There is no cost to participate by submitting data.  There is a cost to obtain the results.
Is there a cost to obtain the results of the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey?
Yes. Libraries that want the results of the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey will participate in sharing the costs of the survey.
How will libraries be charged if they want to obtain the results of the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey?
Libraries will pay to obtain results based on a cost-sharing plan that factors in number of participants along with membership in a regional library system, participation or non-participation in the survey and library revenue for those who are not members of a regional library system.  The goal is to make the results of the survey affordable to all libraries, even our smallest libraries.  A preliminary cost-sharing estimate is below.  The final cost will be determined once the survey has been distributed and returned by participants.  
What is the expected cost for results to dues paying libraries if they participate by completing the survey?
NEO-RLS Gold $175 Silver $250 Bronze $300
What is the expected cost for results to dues paying libraries if they do not complete the survey?
NEO-RLS Gold $525 Silver $750 Bronze $900
What is the expected cost for results to non-dues paying libraries if they complete the survey?
Total Operating Revenue up to $800,000                              $   475
Total Operating Revenue $800,001 - $1,500,000                   $   575
Total Operating Revenue $1,500,001-$3,000,000                  $   675
Total Operating Revenue $3,000,001 - $6,000,000                $1,225
Total Operating Revenue $6,000,001 - $12,000,000              $1,775
Total Operating Revenue $12,000,001 - $18,000,000            $2,350
Total Operating Revenue over $18,000,000                             $3,200
*Total Operating Revenue based on most current Public Library Statistics available

What is the expected cost for results to non-dues paying libraries if they do not complete the survey?
Total Operating Revenue up to $800,000                              $1,425
Total Operating Revenue $800,001 - $1,500,000                   $1,725
Total Operating Revenue $1,500,001-$3,000,000                  $2,025
Total Operating Revenue $3,000,001 - $6,000,000                $3,675
Total Operating Revenue $6,000,001 - $12,000,000              $5,325
Total Operating Revenue $12,000,001 - $18,000,000            $7,050
Total Operating Revenue over $18,000,000                             $9,600
*Total Operating Revenue based on most current Public Library Statistics available

When will we have to pay if we want the results?
We realize that this is an item that may not have been included in your 2024 budget.  We are able to stretch the payments across two fiscal years (FY2024 and FY2025).
What if I change my mind?  Can I still participate?
Yes.  You may still participate up to April 30, 2024.  The NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey will be deployed to all of the libraries in Ohio.
What if I decide not to participate and later want the results?
You will be able to purchase the results at any time after they have become available.
Will the sale of the results be a revenue stream for NEO-RLS?
No.  This initiative is purely to benefit the libraries of Ohio.  NEO-RLS will not realize any profit from the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey.
When will the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey be distributed?
Plans are to distribute the survey on March 5, 2024. 
When will the results of the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey be available?
Survey results will now be available beginning June 3, 2024.
How will the results of the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey be delivered?
The results will be available in a pdf format and online.  The online reporting tool, CODA, will be hosted at NEO-RLS by PeriscopeIQ.  Libraries will be able to produce and/or request customized reports at no additional cost.
What company is being used to create, deploy and analyze the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey?
Periscope IQ (https://www2.periscopeiq.com/), located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
We heard that you signed a five year contract for the creation of three Salary Surveys.  Do we have to commit to participate in all three?
No.  You need only commit to the surveys in which you wish to participate and/or purchase the results at the time they are being offered.  The next survey will be deployed in 2026.
Do we have to pay for the results of all three at this time if we wish to participate in all three?
No.  Cost-sharing and payment will be recalculated each time in order to ensure the lowest costs based on the number of participants.