2022 NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey
The 2022 Statewide Salary Survey results are now AVAILABLE! If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the 2022 Salary Survey results, please email Betsy Lantz or Debbie Blair. 130 libraries (126 public libraries and 4 academic libraries) submitted compensation data for 7,223 FTE employees to the 2022 Statewide Salary Survey. Compensation data was provided for 99 jobs. Twenty-five libraries provided pay practices data only.Thank you to those who participated in this important compensation survey!
CODA IS NOW AVAILABLECODA, the on demand analytics portion of the Salary Survey, will be available to all libraries who purchase the 2022 survey results. Information from the 2021 survey will also be available. The username, password and instructions will be sent to libraries that purchase the results. If you are interested in using CODA, please consider purchasing the Salary Survey. If you have questions, contact Betsy Lantz or Debbie Blair.
HOW TO PURCHASE THE SURVEY RESULTSEmail Betsy Lantz or Debbie Blair and we will send you an invoice and the Salary Survey results.HOW TO PAY FOR SURVEY RESULTSWhen will libraries have to pay if they want the results?Libraries will be invoiced once they request the Salary Survey. The Survey will be sent at that time. What payment options are available if I want the results?Libraries can pay by credit card or check. If you want to provide your PO, please email Debbie Blair.What if I decided not to submit salary data and later want the results?You will be able to purchase the results at any time once they are available.COST OF SURVEY RESULTSIs there a cost to obtain the results of the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey?Yes. Libraries that want the results of the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey will participate in sharing the costs of the survey.
How are libraries being charged if they want to obtain the results of the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey?Libraries will pay to obtain results based on a cost-sharing plan that factors in number of participants along with membership in a regional library system, completion or non-completion of the survey in terms of submitting salary data and library revenue for those who are not members of a regional library system. The goal is to make the results of the survey affordable to all libraries, even our smallest libraries.
What is the cost for results for dues-paying libraries if they participated by submitting salary data?NEO-RLS Gold $175 Silver $250 Bronze $300
What is the cost for results for dues-paying libraries if they did not submit salary data?NEO-RLS Gold $525 Silver $750 Bronze $900
What is the cost for results for non-dues paying libraries if they participated by submitting salary data?Total Operating Revenue up to $800,000 $475
Total Operating Revenue $800,001 - $1,500,000 $575
Total Operating Revenue $1,500,001 - $3,000,000 $675
Total Operating Revenue $3,000,001 - $6,000,000 $1,225
Total Operating Revenue $6,000,001 - $12,000,000 $1,775
Total Operating Revenue $12,000,001 - $18,000,000 $2,350
Total Operating Revenue over $18,000,000 $3,200
*Total Operating Revenue based on most current Public Library Statistics available
What is the cost for results for non-dues paying libraries if they did not submit salary data?Total Operating Revenue up to $800,000 $1,425
Total Operating Revenue $800,001 - $1,500,000 $1,725
Total Operating Revenue $1,500,001 - $3,000,000 $2,025
Total Operating Revenue $3,000,001 - $6,000,000 $3,675
Total Operating Revenue $6,000,001 - $12,000,000 $5,325
Total Operating Revenue $12,000,001 - $18,000,000 $7,050
Total Operating Revenue over $18,000,000 $9,600
*Total Operating Revenue based on most current Public Library Statistics available
Will the sale of the results be a revenue stream for NEO-RLS?No. This initiative is purely to benefit the libraries of Ohio. NEO-RLS will not realize any profit from the NEO-RLS Statewide Salary Survey.