A Note from the Executive Director134 people responded to our recent 2021 Membership Survey with 79 respondents completing the survey in full. This isn’t a large number compared to the over 3,400 library employees that we serve but it is a still a large enough number to see themes emerging from the responses. Because we start the new Board year in July, we form our Board Committees and our NEO-RLS Advisory Groups in July as well. Each year, I put out a call in the newsletter asking for volunteers for the various Committees and Groups. Thanks to the responses on the survey regarding participation, it is clear I need to do a better job at providing more information in order to make people feel comfortable about volunteering. So, here we go!Who can volunteer? Anyone and everyone! We encourage involvement from employees at our member libraries and at our non-member libraries in order to receive a variety of perspectives. We encourage involvement from employees at a variety of levels in order to help grow emerging leaders. How long do I need to be on a Committee or Advisory Group? We encourage you to commit to a minimum of one year and a maximum of three years. This provides opportunities for continuity while also encouraging maximum participation and different perspectives and ideas. How often do Committees or Advisory Groups meet? Both Committees and Groups generally meet 2 times per year unless there is a specific deliverable that dictates additional meetings. The Finance Committee meets four times per year in order to remain up-to-date on the financial health of the organization. How long are the meetings? With the exception of the CE Advisory Group meetings, the other Committee and Advisory Group meetings are generally 1 - 1.5 hours long. Can we meet virtually? State law does not allow us to conduct Board meetings or Board Committee meetings virtually unless in situations such as experienced during the pandemic with an emergency order in place. Committee meetings may be held as hybrid meetings if a Committee quorum is in-person and those attending virtually do not vote. We are investigating our ability to offer Committee meetings as hybrid meetings moving forward. Advisory Groups are able to meet virtually. What do the Committees and Advisory Groups actually work on? The Committees and Advisory Groups work on a number of different deliverables. The Committee charges and their work may be found on the website. More information about the Advisory Groups and their work may also be found on the website. What is my role as a Committee or Advisory Group member? Your role is to attend meetings, coming fully prepared by reviewing agendas and packet materials ahead of time in order to fully participate. Most importantly, it is expected that you will voice your thoughts and actively engage in discussion. The best ideas and solutions emerge when everyone engages fully. Can you give me some ideas about the projects? The following list represents some of what was accomplished by the various committees and advisory groups in the past year: creation of a Code of Conduct, creation of a Communication Etiquette for Discord, changes to the Bylaws to add a second Academic Library seat to the Board, revision of the newsletter, implementation of Discord for Network Groups, changes to the website homepage, creation of a comprehensive Technology Plan, creation of a new Network Group for multi-type libraries, creation of new policies for vendor discounts, creation of an Exit interview for those going off the Board and Committees, construction of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion questions for the Membership Survey, and suggestions for continuing education programming. How can I get support from my administration? It is my hope that by providing our members with this additional information it will help each of you build a strong case for your involvement. Participation on the Committees and Advisory Groups is not only important in terms of staff development, it is instrumental to the creation and sustainment of a strong regional library system. We need your voice, your ideas and your participation. How do I volunteer? Contact me with any questions and your interest. I look forward to working with you! Together we are maximizing library potential. Have a wonderful week! Betsy Lantz | |
Template 11 - NEO-RLS News-July 19, 2021 |