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Statewide Delivery UpdateJune 25Libraries must destroy all delivery labels June 28, 29, and 30 - Priority Dispatch Priority Dispatch will only drop off materials. They will NOT pick up any outgoing materials. June 28 – STAT Courier Starting on June 28, STAT drivers will: Introduce themselves, Drop off totes to use for packing materials, and Start picking up outgoing materials Week of June 28 Libraries need to print new delivery labels for the STAT Courier system Please continue to place library materials in the canvas bags then place the bags into the totes. This will enable the drivers to stack them in their vehicles and should help reduce incidences of damaged materials. If you have a lot of books going to one location, feel free to put them directly into a tote and affix the label to the tote rather than putting multiple bags into a tote. The Material Handling for Statewide Delivery information sheet is available here. | |
Template 11 - NEO-RLS News-June 28, 2021 |