NEO-RLS AnnouncementsNEO-RLS 2020 Annual Membership and Appreciation MeetingMark your calendars to attend the NEO-RLS 2020 Annual Membership and Appreciation Meeting on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at 10:45 a.m. Although we can’t bring you breakfast virtually, we promise the meeting will be informative and will provide you with time to network with colleagues around a variety of table topics. We will use Zoom for the meeting and then will use a new software platform, the Remo Conference software, for the networking aspect of the meeting. Remo will allow us to try out some fun, new features not available on Zoom.
Wendy Knapp has 18 years of library experience that includes state and public libraries. She was the Deputy Director of Statewide Services at the Indiana State Library from 2012 to 2020, where she was responsible for the Professional Development Office, Library Development Office, and Management Information Services Division. Knapp’s statewide library service began at the Indiana State Library in 2006 as an Indiana-Planning Consultant responsible for helping libraries with long-range and technology planning, administering a statewide public library consortium, and serving as State E-Rate Coordinator. Prior to being the Deputy Director of Statewide Services, she was Supervisor of the Professional Development Office. During her tenure at Indiana State Library, Knapp led initiatives such as founding Indiana Memory, inaugurating the Indiana Librarian Leadership Academy, and establishing Indiana’s role as a hub in the Digital Public Library of America. Click HERE to register. Staff Week We are excited to bring you a week-long staff development opportunity. The week-long event, "Positive, Proactive and Prepared," will feature an opening Keynote speaker, a closing Keynote speaker and 7 breakout sessions. Network Group Meetings will also be held daily. Breakout sessions will cover a wide variety of topics aimed at all staff. HOW MUCH: Cost for the day is FREE for Gold Members; $10.00 per person for Silver Members; $25.00 per person for Bronze Members; and $50.00 per person for Geographic Members HOW MANY: We will take a maximum of 990 participants HOW TO SIGN UP: Directors should contact Melissa Lattanzi to sign up your entire staff, part of your staff or individual staff. We will give first priority to NEO-RLS members in our region and then to all others including individual registrations. DEADLINE TO SIGN UP: October 31, 2020 Click HERE to see the full line-up for the week. | |
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