Upcoming Conference AnnouncementsThe Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA), Ohio’s professional organization for school librarians, is hosting a virtual conference, “20/20 Vision - Focus on the Future,” over three weeks from October 12-31. A single registration will get you access to all the speaker presentations and conference events, plus access to the recordings for a full year. Registration is $75 for nonmembers and $60 for OELMA members. Also, OLC members get the OELMA member rate!To register: www.memberleap.com/members/evr/reg_event.php?orgcode=OELM&evid=21709731 If you are an OLC member, register as a nonmember and use the discount code OLC15 for the member rate. More detailed information about sessions, keynotes speakers and the schedule will be available soon on the OELMA Conference website: www.oelma.org/about_conference.php The Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) 2020 conference will also take place online and will include a selection of workshops, live keynote sessions, pre-recorded presentations, and interactive poster sessions on October 29 and 30. Featured speakers include Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, Executive Director of the Mid-Hudson Library System, focusing on the role of libraries in supporting resiliency and sustainability in our communities, and Nancy Kirkpatrick, Executive Director and CEO of OhioNET, speaking about change management and building healthy organizations. Registration is $30 for nonmembers and $25 for ALAO members through September 25 ($5 more after Sept. 25). Registration is free for current LIS students. To register: https://2020.alaoweb.org/ Conference details are available at the above link; a detailed schedule is coming. Resilient Together: Building School and Public Library Partnerships, a three-week long virtual event on school district and public library partnerships. Attendees will explore the many benefits of the school and public alliance to drive equitable access to information, improve community outcomes, and achieve learning goals, with an emphasis on digital partnerships and how library collaborations have evolved in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Attendees will learn from the experts how to find partnerships, develop a plan of action, and enact this plan over three weeks through live keynote sessions, an interactive online classroom environment, and live Office Hours with an expert in the field This event is sponsored by Library Journal and School Library Journal and takes place in October, with live interactive sessions on Wednesdays, October 14, 21, and 28, from 2:00-4:00 pm ET. Registration is $225 through August 31. Registration includes access to session recordings after the event. For more information and to register: www.libraryjournal.com/?event=resilient-together NOTSL Fall 2020 Meeting Announcement Due to the increase of COVID-19 cases, and the financial hardships facing most library systems at this time, the NOTSL Board has voted to cancel the Fall 2020 meeting “Metadata Matters: MARC and Beyond.” All monies will be refunded; if you have concerns regarding refunds, please contact Laura Maidens at lmaidens@rockhall.org. We plan to offer another meeting in the Spring of 2021, and ask that you participate in our upcoming survey to help us determine the most timely topics, as well as its format. As always, we thank you for your continued membership, and invite you to look for additional updates on our page, Facebook and Twitter. Be safe everyone! | |
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