How to Guide Library Employees Back on TrackThe assignment is discussed in private, has specific goals, and sets expectations for improved performance without the drama. It helps hold employees accountable while treating them with courtesy and respect.
Topics include the importance of ensuring employees have written guidelines, the value of weekly check-ins, and how to reinforce successful behavior change.
Learning Objectives:
- Ensure employees have the information and tools to do their jobs well.
- Create precise outcomes for an assignment to correct behavior.
- Stop having “feel-good” conversations that do not set goals and consequences for behavior change.
Pat Wagner is a trainer and consultant with 40 years of experience working for libraries, universities, local government, non-profits, and small businesses. She supports the success of libraries with programs on personnel, supervision, management, leadership, marketing, strategic planning, project management, and communication. Pat has worked with libraries and library organizations throughout the United States, from the smallest rural storefronts to the largest academic and urban library institutions. Pat also is a frequent speaker at state and national conferences. She is known for her good-humored and practical presentations.
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