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News From Other SourcesCSLPI hope you can make some time in the next couple weeks to help plan for future offerings from the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP). CSLP is asking for suggestions from librarians nationwide for:
A CSLP theme is a general topic to frame SLP programing, decorations, etc., such as music or space. A CSLP slogan is the catchphrase or name of the SLP, based on the theme, such as “Libraries Rock” or “A Universe of Stories.” Past CSLP slogans are listed here: www.cslpreads.org/programs/years-of-cslp-themes/ and future themes and slogans are listed here: www.cslpreads.org/programs/future-programs/. The 2021 theme is Animals and the slogan is “Tails and Tales.” Suggest the themes and slogans you’d like to have for your SLP! Complete this survey to suggest up to 3 slogans for 2022 and 3 themes for 2024: www.surveymonkey.com/r/cslp22slogan_24theme All questions are optional. There is also a feedback opportunity, should you have any other suggestions for the CSLP or any questions. Multiple staff members from your library may respond to this survey. Each respondent should complete the survey separately. The deadline to submit theme suggestions is end of the day Friday, July 10. I will compile the suggestions from Ohio librarians and submit to CSLP. They will be considered along with suggestions from the other states and territories, and will be decided at the CSLP’s virtual Annual Meeting in September. All Ohio public libraries are members of CSLP and have input and access to their materials, thanks to support from LSTA funds administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. OhioDig Registration: Please register by Mon 7/20, 5pm in this Google Form (Zoom link will be shared with registered attendees on Tues 7/21) Presentation: Leveraging Repositories for Digital Projects (Part 2) Panelists: –John Dewees, supervisor, Digitization Services, Toledo Lucas County Public Library. John will discuss ongoing efforts to leverage CONTENTdm, IIIF, and Internet Archive APIs, to create tools to enable federated search, data visualizations, and automated tasks. –Virginia Dressler, digital projects librarian, Kent State University: Ginnie will discuss a project that was built from the May 4 Oral History digital collection. Mapping May 4 is a subset of this larger collection, with additional geospatial information to provide another layer for browsing and exploration. –Nick Ver Steegh, metadata technologies librarian, Ohio University. Nick will discuss the use of open source Data Science tools like Python and JavaScript visualization libraries to analyze and make accessible digital collection metadata as data. - Host: John Dewees, Toledo Lucas County Public Library - Program: John Dewees, Toledo Lucas County Public Library & Stephanie Becker, Case Western Reserve University - Cost: There is no fee for attending - Site: Zoom (the internet) AGENDA - 10:30-11:30 am presentation and discussion on topic; - 11:30- all attendee update in Zoom chat Tours: For this virtual meeting we’d like to try something new, and request that any attendees that might be interested share a “virtual tour” of their library, archive, or museum. We encourage attendees to be as creative as they wish to be--put together a photo gallery on Flickr, write up a blog post, narrate a video tour of your facility and put it on YouTube, or anything else that might come to mind. The only requirement is that it be available somewhere on the web that we can link to (please don’t send us ZIP files of photos, only a URL to the tour). We will share links to tours on the OhioDIG website in the week before the virtual July OhioDIG meeting, and share this list of tours with the OhioDIG community via the Listserv so that people can take these it at their leisure. About OhioDIG: The Ohio Digitization Interest Group is an informal discussion group open to those with an interest in digitization, digital preservation, and access, in the archives/library/museum/historical society world. https://ohiodig.org/ - Meetings: https://ohiodig.org/meetings - Sign up for Listserv: https://ohiodig.org/listserv - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OhioDIG/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/OhioDIGgroup | |
Template 11 - NEO-RLS News-June 29, 2020 |